The Dallas Buyers Club

The Cosmic Yes

Nothing like a good movie to put things back in perspective, right? I am a movie lover, a big time one. I am one of those people who knows who worked in what, and I get so much from the messages some movies try to portray.

I just finished watching Dallas Buyers Club. Cried my eyes out, a real catharsis, I have to say. For so many reasons. I never really liked Matthew MacConaughey, but man, did he do a great job this time. In a nutshell, the story is about a homophobic/ chauvinistic/ hard living cowboy from Dallas in the 80’s who gets diagnosed with AIDS and is given a month to live. And through a bunch of twists and turns, he gets into the alternative treatments for AIDS and realizes how corrupt the FDA is.

So much can be said on that, but not to make this too long, I want to…

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About Teresa Dornellas

Yoga teacher, Meditator, Blogger, Music lover. Forever a student. Ever curious.
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